ACCIÓN LABORAL is a non-profit organization, born as a tool to develop initiatives in cooperation with the Public Administration and Private Companies to provide coverage in the field of Employment and Training to the needs of job seekers at risk of social exclusion.
Its main activity is the Labour Insertion of people in situation of unemployment, especially, those defined as priorities in the National Plan of Action for Employment, understanding people with disabilities, immigrants, long-term unemployed, low-skilled young people, women, etc. Currently ACCIÓN LABORAL has more than 30 offices throughout Spain with more than 100 onboard staff.
ACCIÓN LABORAL offers different types of training courses nationwide:
- Training for workers: in collaboration with several social agents. Nationwide, approximately we provide750 courses of this type each year
- Training for the unemployed to develop skills
- Employment programmes: specially focused on disadvantaged groups
- Vocational Education and Training of 300-600 hours each course, principally aimed at long-term unemployed. Accredited by National Employment Service
- Job Search Training: We offer nationwide more than 100 courses about job search, 50 courses to improve specific skills, and 60 of the Vocational/Occupational Training each year
- European Projects (European Globalization Fund, Grundtvig, Erasmus+, Europeaid).